
October 3-5, 2013

Rochester Academy of Medicine | 1441 East Avenue | Rochester, NY 14610

They say behind every great man there is a great woman. What you don’t hear is that, behind every great nation there are great women. Only a few generations ago in America, women could not own assets including property, clothes; vote or sue for just causes, go to college, or hold public or professional jobs except as domestic help.

With the passion and persistence of legendary women such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cody Stanton and many others, women have changed the social fabric of a great nation.

Susan B. Anthony: The Legacy Continues is a speak-series designed to bring visibility, value and recognition to the works of our emerging, living, and legendary legacy women all over the world.  The speaker series reveals lessons from the legends. What made them successful at transforming people, systems, and places?

Susan B. Anthony: The Legacy Continues
The spirit of legacy is forever.

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