Step 1: Know thyself.
If you have landed on this page, chances are, you are seeking ways to have greater influence on the outcomes of your legacy journey. Wherever you are, there you are.
Choose where you are among the four Legacy Women Stages of Distinction:
- Emerging: Women who want to start monetizing their passion and purpose.
- Living: Women who have a well-defined legacy brand strategy and are ready to launch and market.
- Legendary: Women who are ready to optimize their legacy and have it serve as a role model for others.
- Champions: Women who are ready to support other women in making their dream legacy a reality.
- Ambassadors: Men who support the legacy of extraordinary women.
It’s really about stage, not age. And, yes, it is possible to be in two stages at one time. For example, you could be a Legendary Legacy Woman and starting a new direction or adventure at the same time. But, for now, choose the one that fits your highest level passion. Once you determine your legacy stage, you are on your way to a rich and wondrous journey making a difference. Visit your legacy category and start your legacy plan today.
Step 2: Connect thyself.
Through community, conversation, and collaboration we can achieve anything. Our objective is to:
- Unify and connect women to address the needs of our communities and societies.
- Organize dynamic experiences that provide exposure, awareness, and inspiration.
- Provide tools and performance platforms that enable women to capitalize their passion and purpose for the betterment of our communities.
Emerging Legacy Women
Emerging Legacy Women are women who have yet to turn their passion and purpose into a living legacy. They represent the potential of becoming positive agents of change for a more sustainable world. She is ambitious, full of ideas, and passionate about a future that she only dreams about, today. What holds her back?
- Minding other peoples’ dreams.
- Being in transition.
- Lacking confidence, courage, support, or a plan of action.
If this describes you, then you are an Emerging Legacy Women.
Here is How We Can Support You
Get Connected and become a Emerging Legacy Member. You will have access to meaningful networking opportunities and resources.
Enroll in our Dream Your Legacy Package Program. This package will help you monetize your passion and have you live your dream. The Emerging Legacy Woman will eventually take action but she needs a plan that outlines the pathway, the risks, and the investment of her time. She is willing to take risks but not without a blueprint.
Enroll in our The Women Within Speaker Series. You will need a time and place to learn how to re-energize and spend time on your mind, body, and soul as you experience the transformation waiting for you.
Register in our Susan B. Anthony 2012 Annual Conference. You will need to learn what issues you and your family will face in the 21st Century. You will need to be energized and inspired by successful women who are committed to making a difference.
Living Legacy Women
Living Legacy Women are women who currently live their dreams, make positive uplifting contributions to society and have the potential of becoming legends of their times. They are women who serve as extraordinary role models and who inspire others to do the same. What holds them back?
- Not fully accessing their primary markets.
- Not leveraging technology and social media.
- Not being focused and intentional.
- No written plan.
- Not leveraging relationships and social capital.
Here is How We Can Support You
Get Connected and become a Living Legacy Member . You will have access to meaningful networking opportunities and resources.
Enroll in our Launch Your Legacy Package Program. The Living Legacy Woman must launch her legacy with well thought out strategies and tactics that utilize digital technology, and all the social medial capabilities she can.
Consider enrolling in our Dream Your Legacy Course for Living Legacy Women. You will need to refresh your plan, if you haven’t already, to be certain it continues to reflect and serve your passion. If you don’t have a written a plan, this course will give you the time to write one and to reflect on your recent accomplishments so that you are clear where to go from here.
Enroll in our The Women Entrepreneur Speaker Series or Corporate Woman Speaker Series, or both. Understand how to use your creative gifts and your ability to generate innovation. Explore what works for other women in corporate environments whether it be your own or the company you work for. Establish relationships with like-minded women.
Enroll in our The Women Within Speaker Series. You will need a time and place to learn how to re-energize and spend time on your mind, body, and soul as you experience the transformation waiting for you.
Register in our Susan B. Anthony 2012 Annual Conference. You will need to learn what issues you and your family will face in the 21st Century. You will need to be energized and inspired by successful women who are committed to making a difference
The Legendary Legacy Woman
Legendary Legacy Women are women who have and continue to leave the highest possible mark on society. They have modeled the footprint for extraordinary achievements. The have earned the respect and admiration of women and society, particularly within the communities they live. The are likely to be Baby Boomers or fast moving Millennials. What holds her back?
- Not expanding or growing her communities or markets.
- Not fully leveraging technology and social media.
- Not celebrating her accomplishments.
- Not telling her story nor or documenting and sharing her triumphs.
- Not fully leveraging relationships and social capital.
- Not necessarily knowing “What Next?”
If this describes you, then you are a Legendary Legacy Women.
Here is How We Can Support You
Get Connected and become a Legendary Legacy Member. You will have access to meaningful networking opportunities and resources.
Enroll in our Optimize Your Legacy Package Program. This package will take your legacy to a whole new level. It is about expanding, reaching, and growing new markets. You will develop a powerful way to tell your story and get your story out in the world.
Consider enroll in our Speakers Forum. Let us help you tell your story to our network of Emerging and Living Legacy Women.
Enroll in our The Women Within Speaker Series. You will need a time and place to learn how to re-energize and spend time on your mind, body, and soul as you experience the transformation waiting for you.
Register in our Susan B. Anthony 2012 Annual Conference. You will need to learn what issues you and your family will face in the 21st Century. You will need to be energized and inspired by successful women who are committed to making a difference.
Champion Legacy Women
Champion Legacy Women are women who understand the power of the Legacy Women Movement and seek to support women on that path. They are accomplished women who are happiest at their current lifestyle. They possess wisdom and experience and a sense of justice and want a better world for us all. They see lots of opportunities for change in the world and would like to play an indirect role in some way. They have lots of connections and resources and are always one-degree away from knowing just the right person. What holds them back?
- Selecting the right thing to do.
- Resisting stress or overwhelm.
- Family responsibilities and health.
- Not having strong relationships with the Emerging and Living Legacy Women communities.
If this describes you, then you are a Champion Legacy Women.
Here is How We Can Support You
Get Connected and become a Champion Member. You will have access to meaningful networking opportunities and resources.
Enroll in our Legacy Women Tours. Experience real-time learning by touring the locations of our Great Legendary Women.
Consider enroll in our Speakers Forum. Let us help you tell your story to our network of Emerging and Living Legacy Women.
Enroll in our The Women Within Speaker Series. You will need a time and place to learn how to re-energize and spend time on your mind, body, and soul as you experience the transformation waiting for you.
Register in our Susan B. Anthony 2012 Annual Conference. You will need to learn what issues you and your family will face in the 21st Century. You will need to be energized and inspired by successful women who are committed to making a difference.
The Ambassador
The Ambassador is the man in your life who is willing to support you on whatever journey you choose at any stage you are or progress to. The Ambassador plays a supporting role and had qualities that would be a positive role model for men to follow.